TPC Odd Men Out

FOCUS: Efficiency of the Fire Control Triangle core skills and elements

Distance 4 yards
Start position and time:
- Handgun loaded and holstered. Hands relaxed at sides or interview
- Safety is engaged, DA/SA handguns – hammer decocked or safety on
- First magazine inserted (3 rounds only + 1 in the chamber of the handgun), spare magazine with 4 rounds only.
- Par time: 12 sec.
Start procedure:
- The shooting buddy must designate target color for odd numbers and even numbers
- Before the signal of the timer, the shooting buddy calls even or odd number and immediately gives the start signal
- The shooter draws from holster and engages the corresponding to the called number target color with one round only.
- No makeup shots are allowed!
- After engagement of all (4) targets of the corresponding color, the shooter performs emergency reload and engages the rest of the targets (opposite color)
- All shots must be in the target zones to consider the challenge is accomplished

No makeup shots are allowed. All shots need to hit the designated target (bullet hole needs to break the outside line) and the last shot of the challenge must be in the time limit.